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Indian Customs Duty, Import Duty, General Exemption Notifications on Various Schemes.

PART - II General Exemptions - Customs Duty/Import Duty or Import Tariff


General Exemption Notifications for Import of Goods under various Export Promotion Schemes


General Exemption on Advance Licencing Scheme or DEEC Scheme:

1 General Exemption to Goods when Imported into India against an Advance Licence Notification No. 93/04-Customs Dated 10.9.2004.
1.A General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty, Additional Duty, Safeguard Duty and Anti-Dumping Duty when Imported against an Advance Licence - Notification No. 43/02-Customs Dated 9.4.2002.
2 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty, Safeguards Duty and Anti-Dumping Duty when Imported against an Advance Licence - Notification No. 51/00-Customs Dated 27.4.2000.
3 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty of Customs when Imported against an Special Advance Licence (with Actual user condition) - Notification No. 77/98-Customs Dated 16.10.1998.
4 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty of Customs when Imported against an Advance Licence (with Actual user condition) -Notification No. 30/97-Customs Dated 1.4.1997.
5 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty only when Imported against an Advance Licence (without Actual user condition) - Notification No.31/97-Customs Dated 1.4.1997.
6 General Exemption to Goods from Anti-Dumping Duty when Imported against an Advance Licence - Notification No. 41/97-Customs Dated 30.4.1997.

General Exemption to Goods Imported against a Value Based Advance Licence issued on or after 1.4.1995 - Notification No. 79/95-Customs Dated 31.3.1995.

8 General Exemption to Goods Imported against a Quantity Based Advance Licence issued on or after 1.4.1995 - Notification No. 80/95-Customs Dated 31.3.1995.
9 General Exemption to Goods from Customs and Additional Duty used for export of readymade garments (other than Leather Garments) when Imported against a Special Value Based Advance Licence) - Notification No. 106/95-Customs Dated 2.6.1995.
10 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty only when Imported against an Advance Licence (without Actual user condition) - Notification No.107/95-Customs Dated 2.6.1995.
11 General Exemption to Inputs for Leather and Textile Garments when Imported against a Value Based Advance Licence issued on or after 19.9.1995 - Notification No. 148/95-Customs Dated 19.9.1995.
12 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Advance Licence issued on or after 19.9.1995 - Notification No. 149/95-Customs Dated 19.9.1995.
13 General Exemption to inputs for Readymade Garments when Imported against Spe-cial Value Based Advance Licence - Notification No. 104/93-Customs Dated 16.3.1993.
14 General Exemption to inputs for Readymade Garments when Imported against Special Value Based Advance Licence - Notification No. 104/93-Customs Dated 16.3.1993.
15 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against a Quantity Based Advance Licence - Notification No. 204/92-Customs Dated 19.5.1992.


General Exemption on Advance Customs Clearance Permits:

16 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty when Imported against an Advance Customs Clearance Permit - Notification No. 205/92-Customs Dated 19.5.1992.


General Exemption on Annual Advance Licences:

17 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Advance Licence for Annual Requirement: [Notification. No. 94/04-Customs Dated 10.9.2004]
17.A General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty of Customs when Imported against an Advance Licence for Annual Requirement with Actual user condition - Notification 56/03-Customs Dated 1.4.2003.
18 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Annual Advance Licence -Notification No. 48/99-Customs Dated 29.4.1999.
19 General Exemption from Anti-dumping Duty to Goods Imported against an Annual Advance Licence - Notification No. 75/99-Customs Dated 11.6.1999.


General Exemption on Advance Licences for Deemed Exports:

20 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Advance Licence for Deemed Exports. Notification No. 91/04-Customs Dated 10.9.2004]
20.A General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Advance Licence for Deemed Exports - Notification No. 47/02-Customs Dated 22.4.2002.
21 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against an Advance Licence or Annual Advance Licence for deemed exports - Notification No. 50/00-Customs Dated 27.4.2000.


General Exemption on Special Imprest Licence/Release Orders:

22 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against Special Imprest Licence and final products supplied to Specified buyers - Notification No. 36/97-Customs Dated 11.4.1997.
23 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against Import Licence or Release Order on the Canalising Agency and final products supplied to Specified buyers - Notification No. 128/94-Customs Dated 10.6.1994.


General Exemption on DEPB Scheme:

24 General Exemption to Imports made against Duty Entitlement Pass Book [Notification No. 96/04-Customs Dated 17.9.2004]
24 A. General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty, Additional Duty when Imported against Duty Entitlement Pass Book - Notification No. 45/02-Customs Dated 22.4.2002.
25 General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty and Additional Duty when Imported against Duty Entitlement Pass Book - Notification No. 34/97-Customs Dated 7.4.1997.
25.A General Exemption to Goods from Customs Duty when Imported against Duty Entitlement Pass Book - Notification No.89/05-Customs, Dated 4.10.2005.


General Exemption on DFRC Scheme:

26 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against DFRC or DFRC for intermediate supply: Notification No.90/04-Customs Dated 10.9.2004.
26.A General Exemption to Goods when Imported against DFRC Licence - Notification No. 46/02-Customs Dated 22.4.2002.
27 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against DFRC Licence - Notification No. 48/00-Customs Dated 25.4.2000.


General Exemption on EPCG Scheme:

28 General Exemption to Capital Goods, their components and Spares when Imported against on EPCG Licence. Notification No. 97/04-Customs Dated 17.9.2004
28.A General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 55/03-Customs Dated 1.4.2003.
29 General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 44/02-Customs Dated 19.4.2002.
30 General Exemption to Capital Goods, components and spares in excess of 5% of Customs Duty when Imported against an EPCG Licence - Notification No.49/00-Customs Dated 27.4.2000.
31 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 28/97-Customs Dated 1.4.1997.
32 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 29/97-Customs Dated 1.4.1997.
33 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 110/95-Customs Dated 5.6.1995.
34 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 111/95-Customs Dated 5.6.1995.
35 General Exemption to components of Capital Goods when Imported by a manufacturer for supply to EPCG Licence holder - Notification No. 130/95-Customs Dated 25.8.1995.
36 General Exemption to Capital Goods for Service Sector when Imported against an EPCG Licence - Notification No. 122/93-Customs Dated 14.5.1993.
37 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 160/92-Customs Dated 20.4.1992.
38 General Exemption to Capital Goods when Imported against an EPCG Licence -Notification No. 307/92-Customs Dated 28.12.1992.


General Exemption on 100% EOU, FTZ, STP and EHTP Schemes:

39 General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported or procured by EOUs, STP Units, EHTP Units etc. - Notification No. 52/03-Customs Dated 31.3.2003.
40 General Exemption from Additional Duty to Goods exempted from Customs Duty when Imported by 100% EOUs or Units in FTZ - Notification No. 5/94-Customs Dated 18.1.1994.
41 General Exemption to Goods Imported by 100% EOUs or Unit within a FTZ - Notification No. 101/93-Customs Dated 16.3.1993.
42 General Exemption to Telemetric Infrastructural Equipments Imported for the Export of Software by STPs - Notification No. 153/93-Customs Dated 13.8.1993.


General Exemption on Special Economic Zones:

43 General Exemption from SAD to Goods Imported, produced and manufactured in SEZ Units - Notification No. 114/03-Customs Dated 22.7.2003.
Ref. For General Exemption to Castor Oil cake manufactured from indigenous Castor Oil seeds by a unit in SEZ - See Notification No. 113/03-Customs Dated 22.7.2003 below Chapter 23.
43 A. General Exemption to all Goods produced or manufactured in a Special Economic Zone and brought to any other place in India in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy - 2004-2009 - Notification No. 45/05-Customs, Dated 16.5.2005


General Exemption on Duty Credit Entitlement Certificate Scheme:

44 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against a Duty Credit Entitlement Certificate - Notification No. 53/03-Customs Dated 1.4.2003.
45 General Exemption to office equipments, capital Goods etc. when Imported against a Duty Free Service Entitlement Credit Certificate - Notification No. 54/03-Customs Dated 1.4.2003.


General Exemption on Served from India Scheme :

45.A General Exemption to capital Goods office equipments etc. when Imported against a Served From India Scheme Certificate : Notification No. 92/04-Customs, Dated 10.9.2004.


General Exemption on Replenishment Imprest Licences:

46 General Exemption to Specified Goods for export of Gems and Jewellery or cut and polished diamonds when Imported against Replenishment Licence - Notification No. 41/99-Customs Dated 28.4.1999.
47 General Exemption to Cut and polished diamonds and Gem stones when Imported against Diamond Imprest Licences or Gem Replenishment Licences - Notification No. 42/99-Customs Dated 28.4.1999.


General Exemption on Pass Book Scheme of Exim Policy 1992-1997:

48 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against self declared Pass Book -Notification No. 299/92-Customs Dated 30.11.1992.
49 General Exemption to Goods when Imported against Pass Book - Notification No. 104/95-Customs Dated 30.5.1995.


General Exemption on Export Order for Jobbing:

50 General Exemption to Goods when Imported for execution of an export order for Jobbing - Notification No. 32/97-Customs Dated 1.4.1997.


General Exemption on Samples for Executing or Securing Export Order:

51 General Exemption to samples, price lists, commercial samples or prototype Imported as Baggage or by Post, Air or Courier Service and prototypes of Engineering Goods Imported as samples for executing or securing export orders - Notification No. 154/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.


General Exemption on Target Plus Scheme

51A General Exemption to Goods when Imported to India against a Duty Credit Certificate issued under the Target Plus Scheme: - Notification No. 32/05-Customs, Dated 8.4.2005.


General Exemption on Imports from Preferential and/or Developing Areas and Specified Countries

52 Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin Under the Bangkok Agreement) Rules, 1976 - Notification No. 430/76-Customs Dated 1.11.1976.
53 Preferential Rates of duties on Specified Goods Imported from PR China, Republic of Korea, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka under Bangkok Agreement -Notification No. 26/95-Customs Dated 16.3.1995.
54 General Exemption from Additional Duty to Hand Woven Jamdani Sarees when Imported into India from Bangladesh under the Bangkok Agreement - Notification No. 27/95-Customs Dated 16.3.1995.
55 Custom Tariff (Determination of Origin of Other Preferential Areas) Rules, 1977 Notification No. 99/77-Customs Dated 1.7.1977.
56 Declaration of other Preferential Areas - Notification No. 101/82-Customs Dated 1.4.1982.
57 Preferential Rates of duties for Specified Goods when Imported into India from Mauritius, Seychelles or Tonga - Notification No. 28/95-Customs Dated 16.3.1995.
58 Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods Under the Agreement on Global Systems of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries) Rules, 1989 - Notification No. 281/89-Customs Dated 18.12.1989.
59 Preferential Rates of Duty to imports under Agreement on the Global System of Preferences Among Developing Countries when Imported from Specified countries - Notification No. 236/89-Customs Dated 1.9.1989.
60 Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin Under the Free Trade Agreement Between the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Republic of India) Rules, 2000 - Notification No.19/00-Customs(NT) Dated 1.3.2000.
61 Concessional Rate of Duty on Specified Goods Imported from Sri Lanka under the Free Trade Agreement - Notification No. 26/00-Customs Dated 1.3.2000.
62 Concessional Rate of Duty of 7.5% on Tea & Yeast when Imported from Sri Lanka - Notification No. 60/00-Customs Dated 12.5.2000.
63 Concessional Rates of duties on Goods Imported from SAARC Countries under SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement, 1995 - Notification No.105/99-Customs Dated 10.8.1999.
64 General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported from Nepal under the Treaty of Trade between His Majesty’s Govt. of Nepal and G.O.I. - Notification No. 40/02-Customs Dated 12.4.2002.
65 Concessional Rate of Duty on Specified Goods manufactured by SSI Units of Nepal - Notification No. 85/98-Customs Dated 5.11.1998.
66 General Exemption to Specified Goods Imported from Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh & China - Notification No. 38/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996.
67 General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported from the Union of Myanmar - Notification No. 9/95-Customs Dated 6.3.1995.
68 Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods Under the Preferential Trade Agreement Between the Transitional State of Afghanistan and Republic of India) Rules, 2003 - Notification No. 33/03-Customs (NT) Dated 13.5.2003.70. General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported from the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan - Notification No. 76/03-Customs Dated 13.5.2003.
69 General Exemption to Specified Goods when Imported from the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan - Notification No. 76/03-Customs Dated 13.5.2003.287
70 General Exemption to Passenger Bus and Spares, Fuel and Consumable thereof Imported from Pakistan and Bangladesh - Notification No. 4/99-Customs Dated 8.1.1999.
71 Developing Countries for the purposes of section 8B (Safeguard Duty) of the Customs Act - Notification No. 103/98-Customs Dated 14.12.1998.
71.A 'Interim Rules of Origin' for Preferential Tariff concessions for the Early Harvest Scheme pursuant to the Framework Agreement between the Re-public of India and the Kingdom of Thailand - Notification No. 101/04-Customs(NT) Dated 31.8.2004
71.B Effective Rates of Duty on Specified Goods of various Chapters originating in and exported from Thailand - Notification No.85/04-Customs Dated 31.8.2004
71.C Rules for determining the origin of products eligible for preferential tariff concession for trade between India and Singapore - Notification No. 59/05-Customs, (N.T.) Dated 20.7.2005


General Exemption Notifications for import of Goods at concessional Rate of Duty for manufacture of excisable Goods

72 Custom (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996 - Notification No. 36/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996 (NT).
73 Nil Duty or 5% Duty on Specified Goods Imported into India for use in the manufacture of the Finished Goods - Notification No. 25/99-Customs Dated 28.2.1999.
74 Concessional Rate of Duty on Specified Goods when Imported into India for use in the manufacture of Specified excisable Goods - Notification No. 27/04-Customs Dated 23.1.2004.
74.A General Exemption to parts, components and accessories of mobile handsets including cellular phones - Notification No.21/05-Customs, Dated 1.3.05]


General Exemption on Imports by privileged persons, U.N.O. and its Agencies, Authorities, Government agencies, Foreigners etc.

75 General Exemption to imports by Vice President of India - Notification No. 106/58-Customs Dated 29.3.1958.
76 General Exemption to imports of Diplomats, Consulates, Trade Representatives etc. - Notification No. 3/57-Customs Dated 8.1.1957.
77 General Exemption to imports by United Nations or International Organisations for Execution of Projects in India - Notification No. 84/97-Customs Dated 11.11.1997.
78 General Exemption to equipments and consumables when Imported into India by the Inspection Team of the Organisation of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - Notification No. 121/03-Customs Dated 1.8.2003.
79 General Exemption to imports by Ford Foundation - Notification No. 66/96-Customs Dated 2.9.1996.
80 General Exemption to Specified Goods Imported by Defence, Coast Guard, Deptt. of Revenue, Police Forces, HAL, Specified Ordnance Factories and for ATVP,IGMDP, SAMYUKTA, LCAP, SANGRAHA, DIVYA DRISHTI and DHANUSH Programmes - Notification No. 39/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996.
81 General Exemption to food stuffs and provisions, Imported by foreigners - Notification No. 207/89-Customs Dated 17.7.1989.


General Exemption on Imports for Educational, Training, Research and Testing

82 General Exemption to temporary imports of scientific equipments etc. by non-profit making scientific and educational institutions - Notification No. 84/71-Customs Dated 11.9.1971.
83 General Exemption to Pedagogic materials Imported by educational institutions for educational and vocational training - Notification No. 46/74-Customs Dated 25.5.1974.
84 General Exemption to Specified equipments, instruments, raw materials, components, pilot plant and computer software when Imported for R&D projects- Notification No. 50/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996.
85 General Exemption to research equipments Imported by public funded research institutions or a University of an I.I.T. or Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore or Regional Engineering College and non-commercial institutions -Notification No. 51/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996.
86 General Exemption to imports for Handicapped Persons, Charitable or Social Welfare purposes and Research or Educational Programmes - Notification No.152/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.


General Exemption on Donations and Gifts :

87 General Exemption to Specified Free Gifts, donations, relief and rehabilitation material Imported by charitable organisations, Red Cross Society, CARE and G.O.I. - Notification No. 148/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.
88 General Exemption to second hand computer and computer peripherals received as donation by Specified agencies - Notification No. 30/04-Customs Dated 28.1.2004.
89 General Exemption to articles of gift Imported as Baggage by Union or State Ministers, Public Servants and foreign dignitaries - Notification No. 326/83-Customs Dated 23.12.1983.


General Exemption on Sports Goods, Prizes, Medals and Trophies etc.:

90 General Exemption to Challenge Cups and Trophies won by a Unit of defence forces or its members - Notification No. 259/58-Customs Dated 11.10.1958.
91 General Exemption to firearms and Ammunitions Imported as Personal Baggage or gift by "renowned shop" - Notification No. 147/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.
92 General Exemption to Specified sports Goods Imported by National Sports Federation or by sports person of outstanding eminence for training - Notification No. 146/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.


General Exemption on Exemption Notifications relating to Re-Import :

93 General Exemption to Specified Goods exported from India and Re-Imported after being subjected to Specified processes - Notification No. 43/96-Customs Dated 23.7.1996.
94 General Exemption to Re-Imported Goods exported under various export promotion schemes - Notification No. 94/96-Customs Dated 16.12.1996.
95 General Exemption to Goods when re-Imported into India for repairs or for Re-Conditioning - Notification No. 158/95-Customs Dated 14.11.1995.
96 Conditional General Exemption to Specified Goods on their import into India and export out of India for execution of a contract - Notification No. 241/82- Customs Dated 4.11.1982.
97 General Exemption to Re-Import of private personal property, not produced or manufactured in India - Notification No. 174/66-Customs Dated 24.9.1966.
98 General Exemption to re-import of Catering Cabin Equipment and food and drinks by air crafts of Indian Airlines - Notification No. 26/62-Customs Dated 19.2.1962.
99 General Exemption to Engines and Parts of Air Crafts Re-Imported after repairs abroad -Notification No. 117/61-Customs Dated 13.10.1961.
100 General Exemption to articles re-Imported by Armed Forces returning from Services abroad - Notification No. 271/58-Customs Dated 25.10.1958.
101 General Exemption to Re-Import of unclaimed postal articles - Notification No. 273/ 58-Customs Dated 25.10.1958.


General Exemption on Imports for oil exploration, National Programmes, Exhibitions, Seminars, Expeditions, Research etc.

102 General Exemption to Goods of Foreign Origin for repairs and returns, theatrical equipments, pontoons, photographic filming, sound recording and radio equipments, raw films, video tapes and sound recording tapes, tags and labels or printed polythene bags for use on articles of export - Notification No. 153/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.
103 General Exemption to Specified equipments required for setting up the Rihand-Sasaram-Bihar sharif HVDC Link back to back Station Project - Notification No. 73/99-Customs Dated 8.6.1999.
104 General Exemption to Goods Imported for display or use at fair, exhibition, demonstration, seminar, congress and conferences or similar events - Notification No. 3/89-Customs Dated 9.1.1989.
105 General Exemption to Goods Imported for display or demonstration, exhibition, fair etc. - Notification No. 157/90-Customs Dated 28.3.1990.


General Exemption on Baggage and Personal Importation by Passengers and Tourists

106 Baggage Rules, 1998 - Notification No. 30/98-Customs (NT) Dated 2.6.1998.110. Effective Rates of Duty on Specified Goods Imported by persons returning to India after a period not less than one year of stay abroad or under Transfer of Residence Rules, 1978 - Notification No. 137/90-Customs Dated 20.3.1990.
107 Effective Rates of Duty on Specified Goods Imported by persons returning to India after a period not less than one year of stay abroad or under Transfer of Residence Rules, 1978 - Notification No. 137/90-Customs Dated 20.3.1990.
108 Effective Rate of Duty on passenger’s Baggage - Notification No. 136/90-Customs Dated 20.3.1990.
109 Effective Rate of Duty on gold Imported by a Passenger of Indian Origin or a Passenger holding an Indian Passport - Notification No. 31/03-Customs Dated 1.3.2003.
110 Effective Rate of Duty on silver Imported by a passenger of Indian origin or a passenger holding an Indian Passport - Notification No. 172/94-Customs Dated 30.9.1994.
111 General Exemption from Additional Duty to baggage - Notification No. 183/86-Customs Dated 1.3.1986.
112 General Exemption from Additional Duty to Goods (other than tobacco products) falling under heading 98.04 - Notification No. 318/76-Customs Dated 2.8.1976.
113 General Exemption from Duty to bonafide gifts (excluding alcoholic drinks) Imported through Courier or falling under heading 98.04 - Notification No. 171/93-Customs Dated 16.9.1993.
114 General Exemption to articles and components parts as replacement of defective articles Imported earlier as private personal properties - Notification No. 80/70-Customs Dated 29.8.1970.
115 General Exemption to tourist literature/material - Notification No. 33/35-Customs Dated 22.6.1935.
116 General Exemption to import of vehicles and parts by tourists - Notification No.296/76-Customs Dated 2.8.1976.


General Exemption on Exemption to Durable Containers and Freight on such containers from Port to ICDs:

117 General Exemption to containers of durable nature - Notification No. 104/94-Customs Dated 16.3.1994.
118 General Exemption to freight from ports to ICDs for containerised cargo - Notification No. 151/82-Customs Dated 14.5.1982.


General Exemption on Miscellaneous Exemption Notifications

119 General Exemption to Goods Imported for carrying out repairs etc. - Notification No.134/94-Customs Dated 22.6.1994.
120 General Exemption to Air Craft equipments, Engine and Spare Parts, Specified catering and ground equipments, Fuel in Tanks of Aircraft and Lubricating Oils by Indian Air Lines and Indian Air Force - Notification No. 151/94-Customs Dated 13.7.1994.
121 General Exemption from SAD to all the Goods of first schedule - Notification No. 6/ 04-Customs Dated 8.1.2004.
121 A. Concessional Rate of Duty on machinery, equipments and tools taken on lease and re-exported after use - Notification No. 27/02-Customs Dated 1.3.2002.
122 General Exemption to Specified Goods like Blood Group sera, artificial kidney, contraceptives, Animals and Birds Imported by a zoo, works of art, salt etc.- Notification No. 22/03-Customs Dated 4.2.2003.
122 A. General Exemption to Goods including capital Goods which are freely importable when Imported into India against the Duty credit certificate issued under Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana (Special Agriculture Produce Scheme): - Notification No. 41/05-Customs, Dated 9.5.2005


General Exemption on Notifications giving effective Rates of Duties under Various Chapters

123 Effective Rate of Duty on Specified Goods of Chapters 70, 84, 85 or 90 - Notification No. 25/98-Customs, Dated 2.6.1998
124 General Exemption to Specified Goods of various Chapters from the levy of Education Cess - Notification No.69/04-Customs, Dated 9.7.04
125 Effective Rates of Duty on Specified Goods of Chapters 8,9,25,29,34 and 38 - Notification No. 15/05-Customs, Dated 1.3.2005.
126 General Exemption to Specified Goods of chapters 38, 84, 85 and 90 and all Goods for the manufacture thereof - Notification No. 24/05-Customs, Dated 1.3.2005
127 General Exemption to Specified Goods of chapters 84, 85 and 90 and all Goods for the manufacture thereof - Notification. No. 25/05-Customs, Dated 1.3.2005.
128 General Exemption & effective Rate of basic and Additional Duty for Specified Goods of chapters 1 to 99 - Notification No.21/02-Customs, Dated 1.3.2002 - Annexure to General Exemption 134
129 General Exemption to Specified Goods of various Chapters - Notification No. 73/ 05-Customs, Dated 22.7.2005.
130 General Exemption to Specified Goods of various Chapters - Notification No. 74/05-Customs, Dated 22.7.2005.
131 General Exemption to Specified Goods of various Chapters - Notification No. 75/05-Customs, Dated 22.7.2005.
132 General Exemption to Specified Goods falling under any Chapter - Notification No. 81/05-Customs, Dated 8.9.2005
133 General Exemption to Specified Goods falling under various Chapters Notification No.13/06 - Customs, Dated 1.3.2006.
134 General Exemption to Specified Goods from Additional Customs Duty falling under various Chapters Notification No. 20/06 - Customs, Dated 1.3.2006.
135 Effective Rate of Duty on Goods under various Chapters Notification No. 21/07-Customs, Dated 1.3.2007

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